Perkiraanku dan apa di fikiran mu Obama

Semalam Barrack Obama telah mengangkat sumpahnya menjadi orang no.1 di negara uncle sam. Semacam ada satu perkaitan langsung secara metametika antara Kejatuhan ekonomi dunia, Rejim zionis yahudi Israel, Perang di Gaza, Kenaikan Obama, Pengunduran Bush di dalam fikiranku tercetus pelbagai tafsiran baru mengenainya. Mungkin juga begini:.

Rejim Zionis Yahudi Israel =
(Pengunduran bush x Kenaikan Obama ) / (ekonomi dunia x perang –gaza)

Kadangkala menerangkan secara metamatik nampak lebih jelas bagi mereka yang menguasai ilmu kira-kira!

1 comment:

MI Syakir Ishak said...

Palestinian have pile on the gloom for 60 years. There have no peace since then but violent continuously to be happen instead. The post Six Days War witnessed that US was becoming more closer to Israel and their support sustain until now. The report from UN Security Council shows that since 1970s US has used almost 50% from their Veto’s right just for the sake of protecting any Israel’s interests. The trend indicates such a pessimistic hope to the new incoming US president, Barrack Obama but it is too early to jump into the conclusion. Perhaps he will act differently from his disastrous predecessor who always gave a blank cheque to Israel. After all, anything can happen.